Best Behavior-driven development (BDD) framework?

Chamila Ambahera
4 min readJun 12, 2024


Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) tools help bridge the gap between developers, testers, and business stakeholders. Each tool has its advantages and disadvantages, making it suitable for different scenarios. Let’s take a closer look at five popular BDD tools: Cucumber, JBehave, SpecFlow, Behave, and Concordion, to help you decide which one fits your project best.


Detailed Comparison


Who It’s For: Teams using multiple languages who want an easy-to-read format for both tech and non-tech stakeholders.

  • Language Support: Works with Java, Ruby, JavaScript, and more.
  • Syntax: Uses Gherkin, a simple, readable format.
  • Setup: Quick to set up with annotation-based configuration.
  • Integration: Strong support for CI/CD tools and multiple IDEs.
  • Community: Large and very active, with lots of plugins and extensions.
  • Readability: Very high, making it accessible to everyone on the team.


Feature: User Login

Scenario: Successful login
Given a user named "john"
When the user logs in with password "password123"
Then the login should be successful

public class LoginSteps {
@Given("a user named {string}")
public void givenUserNamed(String username) { /* ... */ }
@When("the user logs in with password {string}")
public void whenUserLogsInWithPassword(String password) { /* ... */ }
@Then("the login should be successful")
public void thenLoginShouldBeSuccessful() { /* ... */ }


Who It’s For: Java developers want more control and flexibility over their BDD setup.

  • Language Support: Java only.
  • Syntax: Narrative style, which is more verbose.
  • Setup: Requires more setup with Java-based configurations.
  • Integration: Best suited for Java environments.
  • Community: Smaller, but dedicated.
  • Readability: Moderate; narrative style can be more verbose but detailed.


Scenario: Successful login
Given a user named "john"
When the user logs in with password "password123"
Then the login should be successful
import org.jbehave.core.annotations.*;

public class LoginSteps {
@Given("a user named \"$username\"")
public void givenUserNamed(String username) { /* ... */ }
@When("the user logs in with password \"$password\"")
public void whenUserLogsInWithPassword(String password) { /* ... */ }
@Then("the login should be successful")
public void thenLoginShouldBeSuccessful() { /* ... */ }


Who It’s For: .NET teams looking for a BDD tool that integrates well with Visual Studio.

  • Language Support: .NET languages (C#, VB.NET).
  • Syntax: Gherkin, similar to Cucumber.
  • Setup: Easy with attribute-based configuration.
  • Integration: Excellent integration with Visual Studio.
  • Community: Active and supportive.
  • Readability: High, with a familiar Gherkin syntax.


Feature: User Login

Scenario: Successful login
Given a user named "john"
When the user logs in with password "password123"
Then the login should be successful
using TechTalk.SpecFlow;

public class LoginSteps {
[Given(@"a user named ""(.*)""")]
public void GivenUserNamed(string username) { /* ... */ }
[When(@"the user logs in with password ""(.*)""")]
public void WhenUserLogsInWithPassword(string password) { /* ... */ }
[Then(@"the login should be successful")]
public void ThenLoginShouldBeSuccessful() { /* ... */ }


Who It’s For: Python developers who want a simple, readable BDD tool.

  • Language Support: Python.
  • Syntax: Gherkin, same as Cucumber.
  • Setup: Easy with configuration files.
  • Integration: Good within the Python ecosystem.
  • Community: Growing, with increasing resources.
  • Readability: High, with straightforward Gherkin syntax.


Feature: User Login

Scenario: Successful login
Given a user named "john"
When the user logs in with password "password123"
Then the login should be successful
from behave import given, when, then

@given('a user named "{username}"')
def step_given_user_named(context, username):
# Implementation

@when('the user logs in with password "{password}"')
def step_when_user_logs_in_with_password(context, password):
# Implementation

@then('the login should be successful')
def step_then_login_should_be_successful(context):
# Implementation


Who It’s For: Java teams that prefer writing specifications in HTML.

  • Language Support: Java.
  • Syntax: HTML-based with embedded assertions.
  • Setup: Moderate; requires some XML configuration.
  • Integration: Good within Java environments.
  • Community: Smaller but dedicated.
  • Readability: Moderate; requires familiarity with HTML.


<h1>Login Feature</h1>
Given a user named <code>john</code><br>
When the user logs in with password <code>password123</code><br>
Then the login should be successful
import org.concordion.integration.junit4.ConcordionRunner;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;

public class LoginFeature {
public boolean login(String username, String password) {
// Implementation
return true; // Example result


Choosing the right BDD tool depends on your project needs, team preferences, and the specific ecosystem you’re working in. Here’s a quick summary to help you decide:

  • Cucumber: Great for multi-language support, excellent readability, and strong community backing.
  • JBehave: Best for Java projects needing high customization and a narrative style.
  • SpecFlow: Ideal for .NET projects with deep Visual Studio integration.
  • Behave: Perfect for Python projects wanting a straightforward and readable BDD tool.
  • Concordion: Suitable for Java teams that prefer HTML-based specifications with high flexibility.

Each tool has strengths, so consider what aligns best with your project requirements and team workflow.



Chamila Ambahera

Principle Automation Engineer | Arctic Code Vault Contributor | Trained Over 500 engineers